Follow our journey

Follow our journey as we conquer our first dig and the various projects we take on to make a home sweet home.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Settling In

Well, we finally decided to get internet hooked up..which means more posts! 
My imaginary patio
I haven't written for awhile, so let me play catch up. A few weeks ago, we got all of the blinds and curtains up in the house, and we also unpacked most of our dishes....which takes forever...and now I have enough boxes and newspapers in my garage to have a homeless person compound. Things are moving along slowly but surely! We underestimated the speediness of our grass growing. Our front yard practically had a 3 canopy jungle of grass, clover, and then taller greener grass. My brother in law let us borrow his lawn mower, and Josh made it through the front yard but the backyard is another story :) . Murphy loves the tall grass, although it can make it very difficult to retrieve tennis balls when you can't see them. She has gotten better at sniffing them out. We've made only a few changes in the house in the last few weeks...really just hanging a few things and moving around furniture. I will be refinishing my secretary soon so I can use it to store sewing materials and bills and such. 

Hanging Basket and Blinds
The Yard has some new friends...our old neighbor Jean was nice enough to give me some starter plants out of her garden. It took me a long time to decide where to plant these suckers...but finally I figured out that I could always...move them later. We have started to draw plans of where we are going to build up the plant boxes in the yard( I got a little carried away and did a rendering in SketchUp....) oh boy! Hopefully these will save my plants from  the Murphy dog playing ball.

Josh has been busy making scale models of what our future fence will look like in the breezeway. They are pretty neat. Next month, I will probably be focusing on my yard the most.

Okay! that's it for now!

